Ewa Krawczyk
Ewa Krawczyk, PhD

Associate Professor, Pathology
Laboratory Manager, Center for Cell Reprogramming
Email EwaKrawczyk@georgetown.edu
Biosketch EwaKrawczykBio.download
Dr. Krawczyk joined Department of Pathology as a postdoctoral fellow in 2005. She spent her postdoctoral training on studies of properties of E5 – one of HPV proteins, and its interactions with the host cell proteins. She determined one of the most fundamental properties of E5 protein, that is, its orientation in cellular membranes of infected cells. She discovered the basis of koilocytosis, a particular transformation of HPV-infected cells that has been known and used as a diagnostic hallmark of HPV infection for decades, but without knowledge of underlying processes. Her further work has shown how E5 interacts with certain cellular proteins, including those involved in vesicle trafficking, and alters the distribution of these proteins within the cell. Dr. Krawczyk was promoted to Research Instructor in 2011. She was also designated as the CRC Lab Manager to establish and lead a new project: a laboratory for Conditionally Reprogrammed Cells (CRC) cultures. She has already collected a substantial number of samples and determined optimal culture techniques as well as collaborating with many investigators both within and outside of Georgetown University. Dr. Krawczyk is a graduate of Warsaw University and Warsaw Medical University, both in Warsaw, Poland, where she earned her MS and PhD in Animal Embryology and Medical Microbiology, respectively.